Paul Muwanguzi Foundation

My post conten he Paul Muwanguzi Foundation was an idea mooted and adopted by a group of stakeholders who held Dr. Muwanguzi as a dear close friend, while he lived. Most of these stake holders either knew him as a study mate during his academic and medical career, as a work-mate during his time as medical Doctor or simply as a close relative at family level. Most importantly, all these friends and relatives had one common point of convergence – how best to keep some of Paul’s passions alive. Shortly after Dr. Muwanguzi’s send off in January, 2023, the team of friends simplycouldn’t disband as they collectively felt there was the unfinished business. Of how best to start something that fosters the ideals that the late Dr. Paul Muwanguzi stoodfor in his short but industrious time. After a couple of brainstorming sessions, theyzeroed down on two key areas that they felt could accurately define Dr. Paul’s aspirations.