We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming EU Ludo Event, which will take place in the iconic Globen Arena in Stockholm, Sweden. This exciting event is scheduled for 4-6 January 2025, and it promises to be a day filled with fun, competition, and camaraderie.

Whether you are a seasoned Ludo player or a novice looking to learn, this event is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the game, meet fellow enthusiasts, and compete in a friendly environment. We will have various activities, including tournaments, workshops, and social sessions designed to cater to all skill levels.

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Ludo is a strategy board game for two to four players, in which the players race their four tokens from start to finish according to the rolls of a single die. Ludo is derived from the Indian game Pachisi, but simpler. The game and its variants are popular in many countries and under various names.

SL League
EU Ludo Events 2025

Unlock all the Pieces

An important initial strategy in ludo is to promptly move all your pawns out of the home base. It is risky to rely on using just one or two pawns for each dice roll, as it increases the chances of being attacked and killed by your opponent. By getting all your pawns into play early on, you gain greater flexibility in their movement.

This is particularly advantageous when you roll a low number on the dice and cannot protect a crucial pawn from your opponent. Hence, prioritize putting all your pawns into action as quickly as you can.

Spread Your Pieces Across the Ludo Board

To gain an edge in a ludo game, it is essential to strategically move your pawns across the board. By placing your pawns tactically, you can enjoy the freedom to move them without the risk of immediate elimination if there are no opponents nearby.

For example, having two pawns in the same spot while being surrounded by opponents can result in instant elimination if you make any move. Furthermore, this strategy enables you to block your opponents from reaching their homes and thus delay the outcome.

Block Your Opponent’s Pieces

A useful winning tip in Ludo is to safely get your coin into the home base. When one of your pawns is close to reaching home, your opponents will naturally focus on capturing that piece. To protect your pawns from being attacked, it is important to block your opponents by chasing their pieces. It is not always possible to kill your opponent’s pawns; you can block it and force them to move another pawn.

This disrupts their strategy and allows you a better chance to win. To block your opponent’s pawns, you need to strategically place your pawns on two very close safe points. This way, if the pawn lands in between the two safe points, it will be forced to move ahead or stand there and risk getting killed. But even if the pawn jumps the second safe point and decides to move ahead, it still risks getting killed.

While not every pawn that has been blocked will end up getting killed, the probability of getting killed is always increased. This way, you can quickly move pawns to the home area without any interference.

Distribute all Your Pieces

We all know not to keep all our eggs in one basket. The same goes for all your points and pawns. If you only move one pawn and it ends up getting killed, you will lose all of your points.

However, if you distribute all your points across the four pawns while your total score stays the same, you can’t lose everything by just a single pawn getting killed.

Keep Your Idle Tokens on Safe Points

You might take out all the pawns; you should try to keep all of them at safe points. While it is impossible to have all four pawns at a safe point all the time, try to keep at least three pawns that you are not using on safe points to play extremely defensively.

Never Keep Two Tokens on the Same Safe Points

It is important to keep your pieces on safe points, but keeping all the pawns on the same safe point is not the best way to win. By distributing all of your pieces across multiple safe points, you can block your opponent’s pawns, distribute your points better and increase the chances of bursting a piece.

Never Race a Single Token Alone in SL League

While it might feel tempting to just focus on a single pawn and take it all the way home, players should refrain from doing it. It puts all your points in a single pawn which, if killed, will make it very hard to recover your points.

Additionally, it makes your moves very predictable for the opponent. In this case, the opponent can easily create a block and stop this pawn or worse kill it.

Focus on Bursting the Opponent’s Tokens as Well

A lot of players just focus on their own turns and don’t focus on killing the opponent’s pawns. This means that your game becomes solely dependent on whoever rolls higher numbers at the earliest. This may or may not help you win.

Therefore, to remove this uncertainty in the game and win every single ludo game, make sure that you are focusing on killing your opponent’s pawns as well.

Safeguard Your Highest-scoring Piece

Regardless of how well you distribute your points, there will always be one pawn that has a higher score than the other three pawns. It becomes very important to keep this pawn safe, as just killing this one pawn will do you significantly more damage than killing any other pawn will.

This is why you should only move your pawns closer to the home if they get a decently big dice roll and if there are no opponent pawns close by.

Select Which Piece to Burst

A pawn that is closer to reaching home has a very high score versus a pawn that has just started moving. Therefore if you have the option of killing one of the two pawns, you should kill the one that is closer to reaching home.

Additionally, you should position your pawns on the safe points very close to your opponent’s entry to the home so that you can kill them right before entering the home and cause maximum damage.

Practice Well

As is true for any game of skill, you need to practice all your strategies again and again. This is becausr the SL league game of Ludo is very fast, and you will not get the time to think for a long time. You will have to move instantly, and if you don’t practice well, you might end up moving the wrong piece under pressure.

Know Which Pieces to Sacrifice

Oftentimes you can’t keep all your pieces safe. In this case, sacrifice the piece with less points or that is in the defensive position. The piece that is closest to home will have higher points and can get you even more points once it reaches home.

If the target is to win the game by dropping 4 pieces of the same colour, every defensive button that is close to the finishing position has to be bursted. Pieces in the striking position must always be protected by the pieces of the team mate in the defensive position. Thus, try to always keep these pieces safe.

Practice Well

As is true for any game of skill, you need to practice all your strategies again and again. This is becausr the SL league game of Ludo is very fast, and you will not get the time to think for a long time. You will have to move instantly, and if you don’t practice well, you might end up moving the wrong piece under pressure.

Know Which Pieces to Sacrifice

Oftentimes you can’t keep all your pieces safe. In this case, sacrifice the piece with less points or that is in the defensive position. The piece that is closest to home will have higher points and can get you even more points once it reaches home.

If the target is to win the game by dropping 4 pieces of the same colour, every defensive button that is close to the finishing position has to be bursted. Pieces in the striking position must always be protected by the pieces of the team mate in the defensive position. Thus, try to always keep these pieces safe.